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Beyond the Rocks (1922)

„Beyond the Rocks“ is a 1922 silent romantic drama film directed by Sam Wood. The screenplay by Jack Cunningham is based on the 1906 novel „Beyond the Rocks: A Love Story“ by Elinor Glyn.

Captain Fitzgerald, a retired guardsman on a modest pension, has to support three daughters: Theodora and her older half-sisters. Theodora’s sisters pin their hopes on her marrying a wealthy man.

One day, Theodora goes out on a rowboat off the coast of Dorset and falls into the water. She is rescued by Lord Hector Bracondale. He is young, handsome and wealthy, but „not the marrying kind“. Out of a sense of duty to her beloved father, she reluctantly agrees to wed the middle-aged, short, stout Josiah Brown, a former grocer’s assistant who is now a multi-millionaire.

They honeymoon in the Alps. By coincidence, Bracondale stops at the same inn. Rich American widow Jane McBride persuades the young bride to accompany her on a climbing excursion. Theodora slips and dangles precariously by her safety line over a cliff. Bracondale appears and climbs down to her, but they are too heavy for the others to pull up. Bracondale has them lower him and Theodora to a ledge below. While they wait for more help to arrive, Theodora tells Bracondale (who does not initially recognize her) where they last met.

They meet a third time in Paris, and finally acknowledge their love for each other. However, Theodora refuses to run away with Bracondale.

Bracondale strives to do the right thing. He asks his sister, Lady Anna Anningford, to befriend Theodora. Lady Anningford invites the Browns to her country estate. Bracondale, however, cannot stay away. He tries once again to persuade Theodora to change her mind, without success. Meanwhile, Josiah is persuaded by another guest, renowned explorer Sir Lionel Grey, to fund his dangerous expedition. Bracondale leaves, and Josiah is called away on business. Theodora writes a letter to each; to Bracondale, she declares her love, but stresses once more that it cannot be fulfilled. Morella Winmarleigh, who desires Bracondale for herself, secretly opens the letters and, after perusing them, switches them.

After Bracondale reads the message meant for Josiah, he rushes to stop Josiah from reading his, but is too late. Josiah accuses Bracondale of stealing his wife, but the nobleman denies that Theodora has been unfaithful.

After further consideration, Josiah decides to put his wife’s happiness ahead of his own and joins Grey’s expedition to Northern Africa. His death makes it possible for the young lovers to be together.


  • Gloria Swanson – Theodora Fitzgerald
  • Rudolph Valentino – Lord Hector Bracondale
  • Edythe Chapman – Lady Bracondale
  • Alec B. Francis – Captain Fitzgerald
  • Robert Bolder – Josiah Brown
  • Gertrude Astor – Morella Winmarleigh
  • June Elvidge – Lady Anna Anningford
  • Mabel Van Buren – Jane McBride
  • Helen Dunbar – Lady Ada Fitzgerald
  • Raymond Blathwayt – Sir Patrick Fitzgerald
  • Frank Butler – Lord Wensleydon
  • Gino Corrado – Guest at Alpine Inn
  • Mary Foy – Clementine, Theodora’s Older Sister
  • Lucien Littlefield – Sir Lionel Grey’s Associate
  • Larry Steers – Guest at Beachleigh
  • Adele Watson – Sarah, Theodora’s Older Sister
  • Leo White – Pageant Director

„Du sollst nicht begehren deines Nächsten Weib“ (Beyond the Rocks) ist ein romantisches Stummfilmdrama aus dem Jahr 1922 unter der Regie von Sam Wood. Das Drehbuch von Jack Cunningham basiert auf dem 1906 erschienenen Roman „Beyond the Rocks: Eine Liebesgeschichte“ von Elinor Glyn.

Captain Fitzgerald, ein pensionierter Gardist mit einer bescheidenen Rente, muss drei Töchter unterstützen: Theodora und ihre älteren Halbschwestern. Theodoras Schwestern hoffen, dass sie einen wohlhabenden Mann heiratet.

Eines Tages fährt Theodora mit einem Ruderboot vor der Küste von Dorset hinaus und fällt ins Wasser. Sie wird von Lord Hector Bracondale gerettet. Er ist jung, gutaussehend und wohlhabend, aber „nicht der Typ, der heiratet“. Aus Pflichtgefühl gegenüber ihrem geliebten Vater stimmt sie widerwillig der Heirat mit dem kleinen, stämmigen Josiah Brown mittleren Alters zu, einem ehemaligen Gehilfen eines Lebensmittelhändlers, der jetzt Multimillionär ist.