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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 87 Jahren
The Wrong Road (1937)

„The Wrong Road“ is a 1937 Black & White action crime romantic drama film directed by James Cruze from a screenplay by Gordon Rigby and Eric Taylor.

Bank teller Jimmy Caldwell and his fiancée, Ruth Holden, grow weary of struggling to make ends meet and decide to rob Jimmy’s bank. The selfish young couple agree that even if they spend ten years in prison, it will not matter because they will have the money when they are released. After they take the money from the vault, they hide it in a music box, mail to Ruth’s Uncle Billy for safekeeping, then turn themselves in.

Mike Roberts, a detective for the bank’s insurance company, tries to convince them to lighten their sentence by returning the money. The Judge hearing their case is dismayed by their lack of repentance, and sentences them to one-to-ten years without parole. Jimmy and Ruth are then sent to separate prisons, but communicate by notes. Jimmy’s tough cellmate, Blackie Clayton, tries to find out where the money is hidden.

Sometime later, Roberts arranges for Jimmy and Ruth’s paroles and attaches special conditions that they have no civil rights and cannot marry for eight years. Roberts tells them they will be free if they return the money, but they will not give in. They try to retrieve the music box from Uncle Billy, but they discover that he has died and that his possessions are to be auctioned. They go to the auction, where they are outbid by auction aficionado Victor J. Holbrook.

Jimmy and Ruth go to Holbrook’s apartment. Holbrook tells them he has already sent the box to his aunt, Martha Foster.

Blackie is waiting for them at their boardinghouse, and orders them to cut him in on the stolen money. Roberts appears, and Blackie sneaks out after stealing their money and car.

Jimmy and Ruth hop a train to Sunnydale, where Martha lives, and although they are detained by Police Chief Ira Foster, Martha’s husband, until they show their parole papers, they find Martha’s guest farm, check in and locate the music box. Roberts, alerted by Ira, shows up to warn Jimmy and Ruth that Blackie is close on their trail.

Later that night, Blackie threatens Ruth that he will kill Jimmy unless she gives him the money. Jimmy and Ruth attempt to elude Blackie, but he soon catches up with them and fights with Jimmy. Ruth knocks Blackie out with the music box, after which Roberts appears on the scene. The beleaguered young couple give Roberts the money and determine to live an honest life, in which they will earn their happiness instead of stealing it.


  • Richard Cromwell – Jimmy Caldwell
  • Helen Mack – Ruth Holden
  • Lionel Atwill – Mike Roberts
  • Horace McMahon – Blackie Clayton
  • Russ Powell – Chief Ira Foster
  • Billy Bevan – McLean
  • Marjorie Main – Martha Foster
  • Rex Evans – Victor J. Holbrook
  • Joseph Crehan – District Attorney
  • Arthur Hoyt – Beamish
  • Syd Saylor – Big Hobo
  • Selmer Jackson – Judge
  • Chester Clute – Dan O’Fearna
  • Gladden James – Bank Official
  • Ferris Taylor – Bidder
  • Earl Askam – Convict
  • Ralph Dunn – Convict
  • Blackie Whiteford – Convict
  • Harry Wilson – Convict
  • Gordon Hart – Headwaiter
  • Frank O’Connor – Man at Auction
  • Larry Steers – Man at Auction
  • Brandon Beach – Minor Role
  • Forbes Murray – Parole Board Chairman
  • James A. Marcus – Parole Board Member
  • Lane Chandler – Police Detective
  • Richard Cramer – Police Detective
  • Jack Perrin – Policeman
  • Claire Du Brey – Prison Matron
  • Sidney Bracey – Waiter

„The Wrong Road“ ist ein romantisches Action-Krimi-Drama aus dem Jahr 1937 unter der Regie von James Cruze nach einem Drehbuch von Gordon Rigby und Eric Taylor.

Der Bankangestellte Jimmy Caldwell und seine Verlobte Ruth Holden haben es satt, um ihr Überleben zu kämpfen und beschließen, Jimmys Bank auszurauben. Das selbstsüchtige junge Paar ist sich einig, dass es keine Rolle spielen wird, selbst wenn sie zehn Jahre im Gefängnis verbringen, weil sie das Geld haben werden, wenn sie entlassen werden. Nachdem sie das Geld aus dem Tresor genommen haben, verstecken sie es in einer Spieldose, schicken es per Post an Ruths Onkel Billy, um es sicher aufzubewahren, und stellen sich dann selbst.

Mike Roberts, ein Detektiv der Versicherungsgesellschaft der Bank, versucht sie zu überzeugen, ihre Strafe durch die Rückgabe des Geldes zu mildern. Der Richter, der ihren Fall verhandelt, ist bestürzt über ihre mangelnde Reue und verurteilt sie zu ein bis zehn Jahren ohne Bewährung. Jimmy und Ruth werden daraufhin in getrennte Gefängnisse gesteckt, kommunizieren aber über Notizen miteinander. Jimmys harter Zellengenosse, Blackie Clayton, versucht herauszufinden, wo das Geld versteckt ist.