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Jane Eyre (1943)

„Jane Eyre“ is a 1943 Black & White drama film directed by Robert Stevenson. The screenplay by Aldous Huxley, Robert Stevenson and John Houseman is a film adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel of the same name.

In 1829, nine-year-old orphan Jane Eyre lives at the English estate of her cruel aunt, Mrs. Reed, who favors her spoiled son, John.

Mrs. Reed sends Jane to Lowood Institution, an austere boarding school for orphans, run by sadistic Henry Brocklehurst. Jane enjoys learning, and her friendship with Helen Burns, a kindhearted pupil. Jane also appreciates the attention of Dr. Rivers).

One day, Brocklehurst cuts off Helen’s curly hair, then orders her and Jane to march in the rain as punishment for their „vanity“ and „rebelliousness.“ The harsh experience proves fatal for Helen, and Jane loses her gentle friend.

In 1839, Brocklehurst offers Jane a teaching job, but she is determined to escape Lowood. After placing an ad seeking a position as a governess, Jane travels to a country estate known as Thornfield, where she is met by Mrs. Fairfax, the housekeeper. Jane’s pupil is a French girl named Adele Varens, the ward of Thornfield’s absent master, Edward Rochester.

At night, Jane sees smoke coming from Rochester’s bedroom. Jane awakens Rochester before he is consumed by the fire, and he allows her to assume that the blaze was set by Grace Poole, a supposedly unstable seamstress living in a little-used wing of the mansion. The next morning, Rochester leaves for a house party at the home of Blanche Ingraham).

The winter passes without word from Rochester, until one day, the household learns that he is to arrive with Blanche and other guests. Much to Jane’s dismay, Mrs. Fairfax insinuates that Blanche will soon become Rochester’s wife. Jane grows more troubled upon meeting the beautiful, haughty Blanche, but both she and Rochester feel their bond grow stronger when they talk. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Mason, of Spanish Town.

Rochester accuses Blanche of caring more for his money than for him, and she leaves with her family and the other guests. Rochester then tests Jane by informing her that he has found another position for her, and when she finally confesses her love for him, he passionately proposes.

Adele is thrilled that Jane is to be her new mother, but Mason stops the wedding ceremony by announcing that Rochester is already married to Mason’s sister Bertha. Rochester then leads the wedding party to Thornfield and shows them Bertha, who is violently insane.

With nowhere else to go, Jane returns to Mrs. Reed, who has fallen ill, and nurses her until her death.

One night, Bertha sets the Thornfield mansion on fire and Rochester is seriously injured.

Finally, Rochester enters the ruins of the mansion. Jane realizes that he is blind, and her passion convinces him that she feels more for him than mere pity.


  • Orson Welles – Edward Rochester
  • Joan Fontaine – Jane Eyre
  • Margaret O'Brien – Adele Varens
  • Peggy Ann Garner – Jane Eyre as a Child
  • John Sutton – Dr. Rivers
  • Sara Allgood – Bessie
  • Henry Daniell – Henry Brocklehurst
  • Agnes Moorehead – Mrs. Reed
  • Aubrey Mather – Colonel Dent
  • Edith Barrett – Mrs. Fairfax
  • Barbara Everest – Lady Ingraham
  • Hillary Brooke – Blanche Ingraham

Die Waise von Lowood“ (Jane Eyre) ist ein Schwarz-Weiß-Drama aus dem Jahr 1943 unter der Regie von Robert Stevenson. Das Drehbuch von Aldous Huxley, Robert Stevenson und John Houseman ist eine Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Charlotte Brontë aus dem Jahr 1847.

Im Jahr 1829 lebt die neunjährige Waise Jane Eyre auf dem englischen Landsitz ihrer grausamen Tante Mrs. Reed, die ihren verwöhnten Sohn John bevorzugt.

Mrs. Reed schickt Jane in die Lowood Institution, ein strenges Internat für Waisenkinder, das vom sadistischen Henry Brocklehurst geleitet wird. Jane genießt das Lernen und ihre Freundschaft mit Helen Burns, einer gutherzigen Schülerin. Jane schätzt auch die Aufmerksamkeit von Dr. Rivers).

Eines Tages schneidet Brocklehurst Helens lockiges Haar ab und befiehlt ihr und Jane, zur Strafe für ihre "Eitelkeit" und "Aufmüpfigkeit" im Regen zu marschieren. Die harte Erfahrung erweist sich für Helen als tödlich, und Jane verliert ihre sanfte Freundin.

1839 bietet Brocklehurst Jane eine Stelle als Lehrerin an, aber sie ist fest entschlossen, Lowood zu verlassen. Nachdem sie eine Anzeige aufgegeben hat, in der sie eine Stelle als Gouvernante sucht, reist Jane zu einem Landsitz namens Thornfield, wo sie von Mrs. Fairfax, der Haushälterin, empfangen wird. Janes Schülerin ist ein französisches Mädchen namens Adele Varens, das Mündel des abwesenden Hausherrn von Thornfield, Edward Rochester.


  • Orson Welles – Edward Rochester
  • Joan Fontaine – Jane Eyre
  • Margaret O’Brien – Adele Varens
  • Peggy Ann Garner – Jane Eyre als Kind
  • John Sutton – Dr. Rivers
  • Sara Allgood – Bessie
  • Henry Daniell – Henry Brocklehurst
  • Agnes Moorehead – Tante Reed
  • Aubrey Mather – Colonel Dent
  • Edith Barrett – Mrs. Fairfax
  • Barbara Everest – Lady Ingram
  • Hillary Brooke – Blanche Ingram
  • Ethel Griffies – Grace Poole
  • Elizabeth Taylor – Helen Burns
  • John Abbott – Mason
  • Eily Malyon – Mrs. Skatcher
  • Erskine Sanford – Mr. Briggs, Anwalt
  • Ivan Simpson – Pfarrer Woods