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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 68 Jahren
Hit and Run (1957)

„Hit and Run“ is a 1957 Black & White film-noir crime drama film directed by Hugo Haas, who also wrote the screenplay based on a story by Herbert O. Phillips.

Middle-aged widower Gus Hilmer, who owns and operates a gas station and junkyard in a small California town, becomes infatuated with Julie Holmer, a traveling showgirl appearing at a local club. Gus lives in a house, which he shares with his young mechanic Frank, behind the gas station. Gus and Julie wed and she moves into the house. There is a certain tension between Frank and Julie, whom he regards as a gold digger. Consequently, Frank informs Gus that he plans to quit, but will stay until Gus can find a replacement.

One evening, the local Undertaker and his wife visit Gus to ask if he is still interested in selling another house he owns, but Gus tells them he has changed his mind. Gus visits his attorney, Eddie Ferguson, to discuss his will. Frank finally persuades Julie to leave Gus. Soon after, Gus realizes that there is something going on between Frank and Julie.

Meanwhile, Frank has fixed up an old junkyard car and invites Julie for a ride. When they stop near Gus’s other house and Frank sees Gus emerge, he steers the car directly at him, running over him and killing him. Julie, now an unwilling accomplice to murder, is distraught and runs back to her house sobbing hysterically while Frank returns the vehicle to the junkyard and dismantles it.

At Gus’s funeral, Julie almost faints when she thinks she sees Gus in the cemetery and, later, in the bushes near the house. When Julie and Frank meet with Ferguson, he surprises them telling them about Gus’s twin brother David, who arrived in town after serving seven years in prison.

The will stipulates that Gus’s estate be divided equally between Julie and David, and both agree to keep the gas station operating. Frank is propositioned by Miranda, a female lion tamer from a visiting circus. Julie begins to wonder if David is in fact Gus and that they killed the wrong twin.

Later, David announces that Ferguson has been appointed his parole officer and organizes a small celebration at which Julie drinks too much, as does Ferguson, whom David helps out to the porch to recover. While David and Ferguson are outside, Frank and Julie have a major argument and, when David returns, Julie asks him directly if he is Gus. David responds that he regards that as an interesting idea, but denies it. Julie is aware that Gus had a unique scar on his chest and asks David to remove his shirt. As David is about to comply, Ferguson, who has only been pretending to be drunk, enters with the sheriff. David then shows Julie the scar, thereby revealing that he really is Gus. Frank attempts to escape but the Sheriff has the house surrounded. After Julie is arrested, Miranda shows up looking for Frank and, when informed that he has gone, offers Gus a ticket to last show. Intrigued, Gus invites her to supper after the show.


  • Cleo Moore – Julie Hilmer
  • Hugo Haas – Gus Hilmer / Twin Brother
  • Vince Edwards – Frank
  • Dolores Reed – Miranda, Circus Lion Tamer
  • Mara Lea – Anita
  • Pat Goldin – Undertaker
  • Carl Milletaire – Lawyer
  • Robert Cassidy – Sheriff
  • Dick Paxton – Waiter
  • Julie Mitchum – Undertaker’s Wife
  • John Zaremba – Doctor
  • Steve Mitchell – Bartender
  • Jan Englund – Clara
  • Ella Mae Morse – Ella Mae Morse (voice)
  • Vikki Dougan – Girl
  • Michael Mark – Mailman
  • Frank Mills – Townsman

„Hit and Run“ (Hit and Run9 ist ein schwarz-weißes Krimi-Drama aus dem Jahr 1957 unter der Regie von Hugo Haas, der auch das Drehbuch nach einer Geschichte von Herbert O. Phillips schrieb.

Der Witwer Gus Hilmer mittleren Alters, der in einer kalifornischen Kleinstadt eine Tankstelle und einen Schrottplatz betreibt, verliebt sich in Julie Holmer, ein reisendes Showgirl, das in einem örtlichen Club auftritt. Gus wohnt in einem Haus hinter der Tankstelle, das er sich mit seinem jungen Mechaniker Frank teilt. Gus und Julie heiraten und sie zieht in das Haus ein. Zwischen Frank und Julie, die er für eine Goldgräberin hält, gibt es eine gewisse Spannung. Deshalb teilt Frank Gus mit, dass er kündigen will, aber so lange bleiben wird, bis Gus einen Ersatz gefunden hat.

Eines Abends suchen der örtliche Bestatter und seine Frau Gus auf, um ihn zu fragen, ob er immer noch daran interessiert ist, ein anderes Haus zu verkaufen, das ihm gehört, aber Gus sagt ihnen, dass er seine Meinung geändert hat. Gus besucht seinen Anwalt Eddie Ferguson, um sein Testament zu besprechen. Frank überredet Julie schließlich, Gus zu verlassen. Bald darauf merkt Gus, dass zwischen Frank und Julie etwas läuft.