Dangerous Holiday (1937)
Dangerous Holiday (1937)
„Dangerous Holiday“ is a 1937 drama film written and directed by Nicholas T. Barrows, based on a story by Karen DeWolf and Barry Shipman.
Ronnie is a child prodigy who enjoys playing the violin, and his relatives and agent want to exploit his talents so as to make more money off of him. Fed up with their intentions, Ronnie decides to take off on his own for a bit.
- Ronald Sinclair – Ronnie Kimball
- Guinn „Big Boy“ Williams – Duke Edwards
- Hedda Hopper – Lottie Courtney
- Jack La Rue – Gollenger
- Jed Prouty – Gifford
- Lynne Roberts – Jean Robbins
- William Bakewell – Tom Wilson
- Fern Emmett – Aunt Elsie
- Virginia Sale – Aunt Augusta
- Franklin Pangborn – Doffle
- Grady Sutton – Max
- William Newell – Solitaire
- Thomas E. Jackson – Marty
- Olaf Hytten – Popcorn
- Jack Mulhall – Police Sergeant
- Michael Jeffrey – Jerry Courtney
- Harvey Clark – Benjamin Robbins
- Wade Boteler – Police Captain Blake
- Carleton Young – Tango
- George Beranger – Violin Teacher
- Louis Brenn – Louis
- Tommy Bupp – Billy
- Kernan Cripps – Policeman
- Lester Dorr – Movie Set Carpenter, Billy’s Father
- Harrison Greene – Collins
- Fay Holderness – Old Maid
- Milton Kahn – Otto
- Jane Keckley – Old Maid
- Leonard Kibrick – Butch, the Bully
- Lillian Lawrence – Old Maid
- Charles Frederick Lindsley
- Charles McMurphy – Detective Lieutenant
- Frank Meredith – Motor Cop
- Thomas Monk – The Butler
- Jeanie Roberts – Max’s Girlfriend
- John Sheehan – Bodyguard
- Walter Soderling – Wickett
- Harry Stafford – Bald-Headed Man
- Richard Tucker – Stone
- Lee Van Atta – Eddie
- David Ward – Max
- Justina Wayne – Miss Doolittle
- Robert Winkler – Mickey
- Victor Wong – Charlie, Chinese Boy
- Duke York – Gollenger’s Chauffeur
„Dangerous Holiday“ ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 1937, geschrieben und inszeniert von Nicholas T. Barrows, nach einer Geschichte von Karen DeWolf und Barry Shipman.
Ronnie ist ein Wunderkind, das gerne Geige spielt, und seine Verwandten und sein Agent wollen seine Talente ausnutzen, um mehr Geld aus ihm herauszuholen. Ronnie hat die Nase voll von ihren Absichten und beschließt, eine Zeit lang allein zu leben.