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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 87 Jahren
Three Blind Mice (1938)

„Three Blind Mice“ is a 1938 Black & White romantic comedy film directed by William A. Seiter. The screenplay by Brown Holmes and Lynn Starling is based on the play of the same name by Stephen Powys.

When the three Charters sisters receive a small inheritance, Pamela decides to leave their chicken farm in Kansas for a gold-digging expedition in California in search of a rich husband, which will make it much easier for her sisters, Moira, and Elizabeth/Liz, to do the same.

They check into a swank hotel in Santa Barbara. Pam poses as a wealthy socialite, with Moira playing her maid and Liz her personal secretary. Steve Harrington is enchanted, but Pam thinks he is a gold digger. A hotel waiter, Mike Brophy, points out who’s wealthy and who’s not. Steve is.

Van Dam Smith, observes Pam causing a boating accident. Steve is knocked into the water. Pam jumps in and pretends to be drowning, but discovers that Steve is in trouble himself, so she rescues him.

Soon Pam has two suitors. But, the sisters’ money runs out, and they cannot pay their hotel bill. Pam pressures Moira into borrowing $100 from Mike.

Fortunately, Van proposes. Pam accepts, confesses everything, and he informs her he is in debt. She still wants to marry him, but he insists that Steve is the husband for her.

Steve wastes no time in proposing to Pam. She accepts. They quickly pack and leave for Steve’s California ranch.

Steve’s sister, Miriam, insists they go to a nightclub to celebrate. At the bar, Miriam picks up Van. To Pam’s discomfort, Miriam discovers that the others already know Van. She insists he stay at their place and be best man at the wedding.

Meantime Mike has followed the women and has been hired as a „personal bartender“ by Miriam. Mike confesses to loving Moira.

Eventually, Van tells Pam that her wedding cannot go on. Pam weakens and they embrace. Steve comes in, and Pam confesses. Steve realizes he has fallen in love with Elizabeth. She accepts his proposal. Mike marries Moira, and he is wealthy too. At the end, Pamela explains to Van that „it’s just that easy to fall in love with a poor man as a rich one“ - the opposite of what she said to her sisters at the beginning.


  • Loretta Young – Pamela Charters
  • Joel McCrea – Van Dam Smith
  • David Niven – Steve Harrington
  • Stuart Erwin – Mike Brophy
  • Marjorie Weaver – Moira Charters
  • Pauline Moore – Elizabeth Charters
  • Binnie Barnes – Miriam Harrington
  • Jane Darwell – Mrs. Kilian
  • Leonid Kinskey – Young Man
  • Spencer Charters – Hendricks
  • Franklin Pangborn – Clerk
  • Herbert Heywood – Workman
  • Ben Hendricks Jr. – Bartender
  • Thomas Martin – Bartender
  • Iva Stewart – Biltmore Cigarette Girl
  • Elisha Cook Jr. – Boy on Bench
  • Lillian Porter – Girl on Bench
  • Alexander Pollard – Harrington's Butler
  • Ralph Brooks – Nightclub Patron
  • Bert Moorhouse – Nightclub Patron
  • Barry Norton – Nightclub Patron
  • Dale Van Sickel – Nightclub Patron
  • Russell Wade – Nightclub Patron
  • Antonio Filauri – Pierre - Maitre d'Hotel
  • Elena Durán – Spanish Dancer
  • Laura Puente – Spanish Dancer
  • Ramon Ros – Spanish Dancer
  • Fred Velasco – Spanish Dancer
  • Lorenzo Félix – Spanish Singer
  • Corazón Montes – Spanish Singer
  • José Nieto – Spanish Singer
  • Carol Adams – Student

„Three Blind Mice“ (dt.: Drei blinde Mäuse) ist eine romantische Komödie aus dem Jahr 1938 unter der Regie von William A. Seiter. Das Drehbuch von Brown Holmes und Lynn Starling basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Theaterstück von Stephen Powys.

Als die drei Charters-Schwestern eine kleine Erbschaft erhalten, beschließt Pamela, ihre Hühnerfarm in Kansas zu verlassen, um in Kalifornien auf der Suche nach einem reichen Ehemann eine Goldgräberexpedition zu unternehmen, was es ihren Schwestern Moira und Elizabeth/Liz sehr viel leichter machen wird, dasselbe zu tun.

Sie checken in einem protzigen Hotel in Santa Barbara ein. Pam gibt sich als reiche Dame der Gesellschaft aus, Moira spielt ihr Zimmermädchen und Liz ihre persönliche Sekretärin. Steve Harrington ist entzückt, aber Pam hält ihn für einen Goldgräber. Ein Hotelkellner, Mike Brophy, stellt fest, wer reich ist und wer nicht. Steve ist es.

Van Dam Smith beobachtet, wie Pam einen Bootsunfall verursacht. Steve wird ins Wasser geschleudert. Pam springt hinein und tut so, als würde sie ertrinken, entdeckt aber, dass Steve selbst in Schwierigkeiten steckt, und rettet ihn.