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I Was a Shoplifter (1950)

„I Was a Shoplifter“ is a 1950 film noir crime film directed by Charles Lamont from a story and screenplay by Irwin Gielgud.

In a large California department store, detectives spot attractive young kleptomaniac Faye Burton. Jeff Andrews, another shopper, warns Faye that she is being watched, but she pretends not to understand him and continues her thefts. Shortly afterward, she is apprehended by the detectives, and Jeff is also taken into custody. Faye, a wealthy but unhappy judge’s daughter, swears she will not steal again, and is released.

Later, Jeff, who is really an undercover Police detective Sergeant trying to break a shoplifting ring, meets with Sheriff E.W. Bascom. Bascom explains that the ring uses only amateur thieves.

Subsequently, at the library where Faye works, a woman named Ina Perdue offers to return her confession if she comes to the Casa del Mar nightclub, and the conversation is overheard by another operative.

That night, after a quarrel with her Aunt Clara, Faye leaves for her meeting and encounters Jeff outside the house.

Upstairs at the club, Ina and her cohort, Barkie Neff, show Faye a photostat of her confession, and ask Jeff about his connection to Faye. Jeff explains he’s interested in joining Ina’s operation. Ina checks Jeff’s arrest record and is intrigued enough to meet him.

At the pawn shop where Ina works, Jeff learns that the „boosters“ (shoplifters) are paid through the shop. After Faye completes her training, she is sent to San Diego, and is expected to steal a list of items from a specific store. When the distraught Faye tells Jeff about her assignment, he offers to steal the things for her. They meet later in San Diego. While Jeff is in a nearby cabin, Pepe (Tony Curtis, as Anthony Curtis), Ina’s hired killer, attempts to rape Faye. Watched by Pepe, she runs into the ocean, intending to kill herself, but is rescued by Jeff.

The next morning, Jeff tells Faye that he is working undercover, and she agrees to complete her assignment. Meanwhile, Ina’s gang is informed about Jeff’s role by their department store contact. When Faye arrives at the warehouse drop-off with the stolen items, the gang takes her hostage. Outside, Jeff waits with other officers for Faye to leave before moving to arrest the gang with the stolen goods. When Jeff realizes that Faye has been kidnapped, he chases Ina’s car to the border. Bascom, however, refuses to arrest the gang because he is hoping that they will lead him to their headquarters.

In Mexico, the stolen items are about to be auctioned, when Pepe spots Jeff, and a fight breaks out. Ina, Pepe and the others are arrested during a raid. Jeff and Bascom then offer them lenient sentences if they will reveal their contact, but they remain silent. Despite this, Herb Klaxon, the crooked security guard, is exposed when he attempts to run away. He explains that he fell in love with Ina after he caught her shoplifting and cooperated with the gang for that reason. Now that the shoplifters are headed for prison, Jeff gives a diamond ring to Faye, with whom he has fallen in love.


  • Scott Brady – Jeff Andrews
  • Mona Freeman – Faye Burton
  • Andrea King – Ina Perdue
  • Tony Curtis – Pepe
  • Charles Drake – Herb Klaxon
  • Gregg Martell – The Champ
  • Larry Keating – Harry Dunson
  • Robert Gist – Barkie Neff
  • Michael Raffetto – Sheriff E.W. Bascom
  • Rock Hudson – Si Swanson, Store Detective
  • Nestor Paiva – Deputy Sheriff Gomez
  • Paul Fierro – Pedro, Mechanic
  • Nana Bryant – Aunt Clara
  • William H. O’Brien – Bill the Bartender
  • Marion Gray – Customer
  • Steve Darrell – Detective
  • Richard Irving – George Hernandez
  • Marshall Reed – Los Angeles Sheriff
  • Bob Jellison – Man at Auction
  • Cosmo Sardo – Man at Auction
  • Lane Bradford – Motorcycle Cop
  • Eddie Parker – Motorcycle Cop
  • James Conaty – Passerby
  • Conrad Binyon – Petty Thief
  • Mickey O’Ryan – Petty Thief
  • James Best – Police Broadcaster in Surveillance Plane
  • Charles Watts – Police Lieutenant Palm
  • Nick Borgani – Police Officer
  • Alex Montoya – Police Officer
  • Sol Murgi – Police Officer
  • Victor Romito – Police Officer
  • Helen Dickson – Sales Clerk
  • Bess Flowers – Sales Clerk
  • Donna Martell – Sales Clerk
  • Ann Robinson – Sales Clerk
  • Harold Goodwin – San Diego Sheriff
  • Peggie Castle – Telephone Operator
  • Julian Rivero – Tijuana Comandante
  • Ray Beltram – Vendor

„I Was a Shoplifter - Ich war eine Ladendiebin“ ist ein Film Noir-Kriminalfilm aus dem Jahr 1950 unter der Regie von Charles Lamont nach einer Geschichte und einem Drehbuch von Irwin Gielgud.

In einem großen kalifornischen Kaufhaus entdecken Detektive die attraktive junge Kleptomanin Faye Burton. Jeff Andrews, ein anderer Einkäufer, warnt Faye, dass sie beobachtet wird, aber sie tut so, als würde sie ihn nicht verstehen und setzt ihre Diebstähle fort. Kurze Zeit später wird sie von den Detektiven festgenommen, und auch Jeff wird in Gewahrsam genommen. Faye, eine reiche, aber unglückliche Richtertochter, schwört, dass sie nie wieder stehlen wird, und wird freigelassen.

Später trifft Jeff, der in Wirklichkeit ein verdeckter Polizeidetektiv ist, der versucht, einen Ladendiebstahlring zu zerschlagen, mit Sheriff E.W. Bascom zusammen. Bascom erklärt, dass der Ring nur Amateure als Diebe einsetzt.

In der Bibliothek, in der Faye arbeitet, bietet ihr eine Frau namens Ina Perdue an, ihr Geständnis zurückzugeben, wenn sie in den Nachtclub Casa del Mar kommt, und das Gespräch wird von einem anderen Agenten belauscht.

An diesem Abend, nach einem Streit mit ihrer Tante Clara, geht Faye zu ihrem Treffen und trifft Jeff vor dem Haus.