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Finger Man (1955)

„Finger Man“ is a 1955 film-noir crime film directed by Harold D. Schuster. The screenplay by Warren Douglas is based on a story by Norris Lipsius and John Lardner.

Casey Martin and his partner in crime, Lefty Stern, hijack a truck, and later Casey is arrested by U.S. Treasury Dept. Agents Johnny Cooper and Fred Amory.

At headquarters, department chief James Burns, tells Casey that as a „three-time loser,“ he faces life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Burns offers Casey a chance to become an informant. Casey refuses. Burns explains their target is notorious racketeer Dutch Becker, and shows morgue photos of young women killed by Becker’s gang.

Casey visits his sister, Lucille Martin, who worked for Becker. Casey finds his niece, June, looking after her incapacitated mother, Lucille, ill and on the verge of a breakdown.

Casey calls a doctor. While waiting, Lucille rants about how she used to be the prettiest girl working for Becker but is now a discarded wreck. Casey prevents her from committing suicide, then, infuriated, returns to Burns’s office and agrees to work undercover.

Casey tells Lefty they’re no longer partners, and meets with his girl friend, Gladys Baker.

At Becker’s supper club, Joe’s Torch Club, Casey is antagonized by his former cellmate, Lou Terpe, now Becker’s right-hand man. Becker orders his men to „muss up“ a female employee suspected of robbing a client, then interviews a new girl, Mary Smith, and tells her he demands absolute loyalty.

Two of Becker’s men, Carlos Armor and Big Joe Walters, relay Becker’s offer of employment to Casey.

Walters observes Treasury agent Jim Rogers, following Casey. The gangsters throw Rogers in front of a truck. Casey tells Gladys he wants her to leave town. When Gladys leaves, Terpe kills her.

Casey assures Becker he has a buyer for Becker’s illegal liquor, and persuades Becker to deliver the liquor to his client. Casey meets Becker and his men, followed by Cooper and other agents. Casey gets Becker to admit he ordered Gladys’ murder. The agents engage in a shootout with Carlos and the driver, killing them both.

Casey attempts to strangle Becker, but the agents stop him and arrest Becker. Cooper congratulates Casey on his success, and the cynical Casey replies all he wants to do is to help Lucille and Juney, and to live long enough to make something of his life.


  • Frank Lovejoy – Casey Martin
  • Forrest Tucker – Dutch Becker
  • Peggie Castle – Gladys Baker
  • Timothy Carey – Lou Terpe
  • John Cliff – Johnny Cooper
  • William F. Leicester – Jim Rogers
  • Glen Gordon – Carlos Armor
  • John Close – „Big“ Walters
  • Hugh Sanders – Mr. Burns
  • Evelyn Eaton – Lucille Martin
  • Charles Maxwell – Fred Amory
  • Dorothy Green – Candy

„Entfesselte Unterwelt“ (Finger Man ist ein Film-Noir-Kriminalfilm von 1955 unter der Regie von Harold D. Schuster. Das Drehbuch von Warren Douglas basiert auf einer Geschichte von Norris Lipsius und John Lardner.

Casey Martin und sein Komplize Lefty Stern entführen einen Lastwagen. Später wird Casey von den Agenten Johnny Cooper und Fred Amory vom US-Finanzministerium verhaftet.

Im Hauptquartier teilt Abteilungsleiter James Burns Casey mit, dass ihm als „dreimaligem Verlierer“ eine lebenslange Haftstrafe ohne die Möglichkeit einer Bewährung droht. Burns bietet Casey die Möglichkeit, Informant zu werden. Casey lehnt ab. Burns erklärt, dass ihr Ziel der berüchtigte Gauner Dutch Becker ist, und zeigt Leichenschauhausfotos von jungen Frauen, die von Beckers Bande getötet wurden.

Casey besucht seine Schwester, Lucille Martin, die für Becker gearbeitet hat. Casey findet seine Nichte June vor, die sich um ihre arbeitsunfähige Mutter Lucille kümmert, die krank ist und kurz vor einem Zusammenbruch steht.