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Beat the Devil (1953)

„Beat the Devil“ is a 1953 Black & White adventure comedy film directed by John Huston. Huston wrote the screenplay together with Truman Capote, Anthony Veiller and Peter Viertel, based on the 1951 novel of the same name by Claud Cockburn.

Billy Dannreuther is a formerly wealthy American who has fallen on hard times. He is reluctantly working with four crooks: Peterson, Julius O’Hara, Major Jack Ross, and Ravello, who are trying to acquire uranium-rich land in British East Africa.

While waiting in Italy for passage to Africa, Billy and his wife Maria meet a British couple, Harry and Gwendolen Chelm. Billy and Gwendolen have an affair, while Maria flirts with Harry.

On board the SS Nyanga, Harry reveals that he knows about Peterson’s scheme and intends to inform the authorities. Peterson orders Major Ross to kill Harry, but Billy thwarts the murder attempt. Disbelieving Harry’s outraged accusations, however, the ship’s drunken Captain has Harry locked in the brig.

The ship’s engine malfunctions and the passengers are told to escape by lifeboat. When Billy goes to rescue Harry, he finds that he has freed himself and left the ship, intending to swim ashore.

The passengers land on an African beach, where they are arrested by Arab soldiers. They are interrogated by Ahmed, an Arab official who suspects that they may be spies or revolutionaries. Billy creates a distraction by fleeing the room, and befriends Ahmed when he is recaptured by talking to him about Rita Hayworth, whom he pretends to have known. Billy then persuades him to send the party back to Italy by sailing boat.

After the party lands, they are questioned by a Scotland Yard Inspector Jack Clayton who is investigating the murder of the Colonial officer. Just as he seems taken in by Peterson’s smooth talk, Gwendolen reveals Peterson’s scheme, his involvement in the murder, and his attempt to kill Harry. The detective promptly arrests Peterson, O’Hara, Ross, and Ravello. As the four crooks are led away in handcuffs, Gwendolen receives a telegram from British East Africa saying that Harry has acquired the land where Peterson and the others were aiming to enrich themselves; he is now extremely wealthy and willing to forgive Gwendolen. Billy laughs happily, saying, „This is the end, the end!“


  • Humphrey Bogart – Billy Dannreuther
  • Jennifer Jones – Gwendolen Chelm
  • Gina Lollobrigida – Maria Dannreuther
  • Robert Morley – Peterson
  • Peter Lorre – Julius O'Hara
  • Edward Underdown – Harry Chelm
  • Ivor Barnard – Maj. Jack Ross
  • Marco Tulli – Ravello
  • Bernard Lee – Insp. Jack Clayton
  • Mario Perrone – Purser on SS Nyanga
  • Giulio Donnini – Administrator
  • Saro Urzì – Captain of SS Nyanga
  • Juan de Landa – Hispano-Suiza Driver
  • Aldo Silvani – Charles
  • Dave Crowley
  • Julie Gibson
  • Alex Pochet – Hotel Manager
  • Mimmo Poli – Barman
  • Peter Sellers – Billy Dannreuther (voice)
  • Manuel Serrano – Ahmed

„Schach dem Teufel“ (Beat the Devil) ist eine Abenteuerkomödie aus dem Jahr 1953 unter der Regie von John Huston. Huston schrieb das Drehbuch zusammen mit Truman Capote, Anthony Veiller und Peter Viertel, basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Claud Cockburn aus dem Jahr 1951.

Billy Dannreuther ist ein ehemals wohlhabender Amerikaner, der in eine schwere Zeit geraten ist. Widerwillig arbeitet er mit vier Gaunern zusammen: Peterson, Julius O'Hara, Major Jack Ross und Ravello, die versuchen, in Britisch-Ostafrika uranhaltiges Land zu erwerben.

Während sie in Italien auf die Überfahrt nach Afrika warten, lernen Billy und seine Frau Maria ein britisches Ehepaar kennen, Harry und Gwendolen Chelm. Billy und Gwendolen haben eine Affäre, während Maria mit Harry flirtet.

An Bord der SS Nyanga enthüllt Harry, dass er von Petersons Plan weiß und die Behörden informieren will. Peterson befiehlt Major Ross, Harry zu töten, aber Billy vereitelt den Mordversuch. Der betrunkene Kapitän des Schiffes glaubt Harrys empörten Anschuldigungen jedoch nicht und sperrt ihn in die Arrestzelle.