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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 110 Jahren
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)

„Tillie’s Punctured Romance“ is a 1914 silent slapstick comedy film directed by Mack Sennett and Charles Bennett. The screenplay by Hampton Del Ruth, Craig Hutchinsonand Mack Sennett is based on a play by A. Baldwin Sloane and Edgar Smith.

A con man from the city dupes a wealthy country girl into marriage.


  • Marie Dressler – Tillie
  • Charles Chaplin – The City Slicker
  • Mabel Normand – Mabel
  • Mack Swain – Tillie’s Father
  • Charles Bennett – Douglas Banks - Tillie’s Millionaire Uncle/1st Restaurant Proprietor
  • Chester Conklin – Mr. Whoozis/Singing Waiter
  • Dan Albert – Party Guest/Cop
  • Phyllis Allen – Prison Matron/Restaurant Patron/Guest
  • Billie Bennett – Maid/Party Guest
  • Joe Bordeaux – Policeman
  • Tom Byrne – Paperboy
  • Helen Carruthers – Maid and Waitress
  • Glen Cavender – First Pianist in Restaurant/Cop/Guest in First Restaurant/Uncle’s Rescuer/Society Guest
  • Charley Chase – Detective in Movie Theatre
  • Dixie Chene – Party Guest
  • Nick Cogley – Police Chief
  • Alice Davenport – Party Guest
  • Hampton Del Ruth – Tall Banks Secretary Searching for Tillie
  • Frank Dolan – Movie Spectator/Party Guest
  • Minta Durfee – Crook’s Girlfriend in „A Thief’s Fate“
  • Ted Edwards – Waiter in First Restaurant/Station Cop
  • Edwin Frazee – Movie Spectator/Guest/Cop
  • Billy Gilbert – Policeman
  • Gordon Griffith – Newsboy
  • William Hauber – Servant/Policeman
  • Fred Hibbard – Tall Servant
  • Alice Howell – Back Room Diner/Party Guest
  • Edgar Kennedy – 2nd Restaurant Owner/Banks’ Butler
  • Robert P. Kerr – Policeman
  • Keystone Kops – Police
  • Grover Ligon – Party Guest/Policeman
  • Wallace MacDonald – Policeman
  • Hank Mann – Policeman/Waiter in Movie
  • Enid Markey – Country Girl in „A Thief’s Fate“
  • Gene Marsh – Maid/Waitress
  • Harry McCoy – Singer in First Restaurant/Pianist in First Restaurant/Guest in First Restaurant/Prisoner/Movie Theatre Pianist/Wigged Servant/Guest in Second Restaurant/
  • Society Guest/Guest Imitating Ford Sterling
  • Rube Miller – Tillie’s Visitor
  • Charles Murray – Detective in „A Thief’s Fate“
  • Eva Nelson – Disgusted Guest in Second Restaurant
  • Edward Nolan – Restaurant Dancer/Policeman/Mountain Innkeeper/Party Guest
  • Frank Opperman – Rev. D. Simpson/Guest in First Restaurant/Station Cop/Movie Spectator
  • Hugh Saxon – Shorter Banks Secretary Searching for Tillie
  • Fritz Schade – Waiter in First Restaurant/Station Cop/Prisoner/Guest in Second Restaurant/Kitchen Hand in Second Restaurant
  • Richard Smith – Restaurant Patron
  • Al St. John – Water Policeman
  • Slim Summerville – Policeman/Guest in Restaurant
  • A. Edward Sutherland – Keystone Cop
  • Josef Swickard – Movie Spectator
  • Morgan Wallace – Thief in „A Thief’s Fate“

„Tillie’s Punctured Romance“ (dt.: Tillies zerrüttete Romanze) ist eine Stummfilm-Slapstick-Komödie aus dem Jahr 1914 unter der Regie von Mack Sennett und Charles Bennett. Das Drehbuch von Hampton Del Ruth, Craig Hutchinson und Mack Sennett basiert auf einem Theaterstück von A. Baldwin Sloane und Edgar Smith.

Ein Hochstapler aus der Stadt zwingt ein wohlhabendes Mädchen vom Lande zur Heirat.