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The Black Room (1935)

„The Black Room“ is a 1935 horror film directed by Roy William Neill from a screenplay by Arthur Strawn and Henry Myers.

Boris Karloff is superb in a dual role as twin brothers (one evil, one good), born to the ruling family in the early 1800’s in Czechoslovakia. The bad twin inherits the castle and becomes infamous for his sadistic behavior and murders the good twin, assuming his identiy so that he might continue his heinous acts.


  • Boris Karloff – Baron Gregor de Berghman/Anton de Berghman
  • Marian Marsh – Thea Hassel
  • Robert Allen – Lt. Albert Lussan
  • Thurston Hall – Col. Paul Hassel
  • Katherine DeMille – Mashka
  • John Buckler – Beran
  • Henry Kolker – Baron Frederick de Berghman
  • Colin Tapley – Lt. Paul Hassel
  • Torben Meyer – Peter
  • Phyllis Fraser – A Bridesmaid
  • Lois Lindsay – A Bridesmaid
  • Bert Sprotte – A Peasant
  • Paul Weigel – A Peasant
  • George Burr MacAnnan – A Servant
  • Hans von Morhart – A Servant
  • Helena Grant – Anna the Housekeeper
  • Daniel Joseph Bleifer – Anton as a Child
  • John Beck – Court Clerk
  • Edward Van Sloan – Doctor
  • John Bleifer – Franz - Captured Assassin-Villager
  • Abe Dinovitch – Gatekeeper
  • Ivan Linow – Gatekeeper
  • James Gordon – Gentleman
  • Bert Howard – Gentleman
  • Richard Lancaster – Gentleman
  • Sidney Bracey – Gregor’s Hairdresser
  • Reinhold Pasch – Gregor’s Tailor
  • John George – Inn Waiter
  • Frederik Vogeding – Josef, Resentful Villager with Heavy Moustache
  • Octavio Giraud – Judge
  • Alex Melesh – Judge
  • Egon Brecher – Karl - Lead Villager
  • Marion Lessing – Maria the Chambermaid
  • Carrie Daumery – Member of the Court
  • Edwards Davis – Member of the Court
  • Grace Goodall – Member of the Court
  • Edith Kingdon – Member of the Court
  • Eric Mayne – Member of the Court
  • Wilfrid North – Member of the Court
  • Count Stefenelli – Member of the Court
  • Victor De Linsky – Michael the Footman
  • Mary MacLaren – Nun
  • Michael Mark – Peasant
  • Constantine Romanoff – Peasant
  • John Singer – Raoul the Butler
  • Herbert Evans – Servant
  • Louis Merrill – Story Teller in Trailer
  • John M. Sullivan – The Archbishop
  • George MacQuarrie – The Judge
  • Robert Middlemass – The Prosecutor
  • Von the Dog – Tor


„Das schwarze Zimmer“ (The Black Room) ist ein Horrorfilm von 1935 unter der Regie von Roy William Neill nach einem Drehbuch von Arthur Strawn und Henry Myers.

Boris Karloff ist großartig in einer Doppelrolle als Zwillingsbrüder (einer böse, einer gut), die Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts in der Tschechoslowakei in die Herrscherfamilie hineingeboren werden. Der böse Zwilling erbt das Schloss und wird für sein sadistisches Verhalten berüchtigt. Er ermordet den guten Zwilling und nimmt dessen Identität an, um seine abscheulichen Taten fortsetzen zu können.