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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 77 Jahren
Sitting Pretty (1948)

„Sitting Pretty“ is a 1948 Black & White comedy film directed by Walter Lang.

In the suburban Hummingbird Hill, lawyer Harry King and his wife Tacey have trouble retaining a nanny for their three young, rambunctious boys: Larry and Tony, both of whom get into frequent mischief with the family dog Henry; and baby Roddy. When the latest in a string of servants (all women) quits, Tacey advertises for a replacement and hires Lynn Belvedere sight unseen. However, she discovers that Lynn Belvedere is actually a man upon his arrival, a mysterious one with many skills and achievements – and who declares himself to detest children. Nonetheless, the Kings reluctantly agree to a trial period during which Belvedere quickly wins over the boys. However, his mysterious nature intrigues both of their parents, and Harry becomes annoyed by his condescending attitude.

Before Harry King goes on a business trip, his wife, Tacey King, agrees to take their son, Roddy, and sleep over each night at the home of their friends, fellow lawyer Bill Philby and his wife Edna, just to squelch any possibility of scandal in the town over her remaining in the house with Lynn Belvedere. When one of the boys becomes sick late that night, Belvedere calls Tacey to come over for what is a stomachache. Nosy neighbor Clarence Appleton notices the lights on and investigates, soon spreading scandalous rumors linking Belvedere and Tacey romantically. The gossip reaches Harry’s boss Horatio J. Hammond.

Tacey and Edna encounter Belvedere on his day off. Belvedere invites Tacey to dance. They are spotted dancing cheek to cheek by Appleton and his equally inquisitive mother, and the malicious rumors start again. This time, Harry is not so understanding. Insulted, Tacey quarrels with him, takes their youngest, and flies to her parents’ home in Fort Worth, Texas.

In the meantime, we learn that Belvedere has spent the past few weeks secretly researching and writing a salacious account of the goings-on among the residents of Hummingbird Hill. The published tome becomes a national bestseller, upsetting everyone in the community. Tacey rushes home and is reconciled with her husband. Hammond fires Harry and Bill, and then announces his decision to sue Belvedere, who is pleased, as he expects the publicity to increase sales of his already popular book. He hires Harry and Bill to defend him, then reveals the source of much of his information: none other than Clarence Appleton. The informant flees, with Hammond and others in hot pursuit. Despite his new fame, Belvedere agrees to keep his job as his successful book is only the first volume of what will become a trilogy.




„Belvedere räumt auf“