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China Girl (1942)

„China Girl“ is a 1942 drama war film by Henry Hathaway. The screenplay by Ben Hecht is based on a story by Darryl F. Zanuck. The film follows the exploits of an American newsreel photographer in China and Burma against the backdrop of World War II.

In November 1941, cynical American newsreel cameraman, Johnny Williams, is detained by Japanese military officials in Luichow, a Japanese-occupied part of China. The interviewing officer tells Johnny that the Japanese will pay him twenty thousand dollars to photograph the building of the Burma Road. Johnny declines, and steals what he thinks are his press credentials.

Johnny is returned to his cell, where a captured Canadian who was fighting with the Chinese irregulars, Major Bull Weed, is visited by his girl friend, „Captain“ Fifi, who slips him a pistol. Johnny helps Weed escape to a pre-arranged meeting place, where Fifi is waiting. She has located an abandoned airplane, and Johnny flies them to safety in Mandalay, where he meets his old pal, Captain Shorty Maguire. Maguire asks Johnny to join his American Volunteer Group, „The Flying Tigers“, but Johnny callously replies that he won’t die for China, only for himself.

Johnny then discovers that he grabbed some Japanese military orders rather than his press credentials. Weed translates the words „pearl“ and „seven,“ but Johnny loses interest, and pursues a beautiful Chinese woman in the lobby, Haoli Young.

Later, Johnny takes Fifi to his room and is surprised to find Haoli, who has come to tell him that her father, Dr. Kai Young, warned her that Fifi and Weed are Japanese agents, and that Johnny is now suspected as well. Johnny tells Weed and Fifi to leave Mandalay before he tells the Tigers that they are spies.

Johnny becomes more involved with Haoli, and the pair fall deeply in love, and Haoli leaves with her father for Kunming, the site of his school for orphans.

Fifi warns Johnny that Weed intends to kill him but offers to escape with him. When she mentions that the Japanese are about to bomb Kunming, however, Johnny decides that he must find Haoli.

Johnny finds Haoli, but her father has been killed in the bombing. Johnny helps her to rescue the trapped children, but Haoli is also killed. Enraged, Johnny uses a machine gun. to shoot down a Japanese plane and dedicates his actions to his „China girl“ as he continues to fire at the planes.


  • Gene Tierney – Miss Haoli Young
  • George Montgomery – Johnny Williams
  • Lynn Bari – Captain Fifi
  • Victor McLaglen – Maj. Bull Weed
  • Alan Baxter – Bill Jones
  • Sig Ruman – Jarubi
  • Myron McCormick – Shorty McGuire
  • Robert Blake – Chandu
  • Ann Pennington – Entertainer
  • Philip Ahn – Dr. Young
  • Oie Chan – Mrs. Foo, Housekeeper
  • Eddie Das – Bellboy
  • Paul Fung – Japanese Governor
  • Chester Gan – Japanese Officer
  • Allen Jung – Japanese Officer
  • Fred Kohler Jr. – Flyer
  • Eddie Lee – Doctor
  • Lal Chand Mehra – Desk Clerk
  • Billy Moya – Chinese Boy
  • Bobbie Moya – Chinese Boy
  • Tom Neal – Capt. Haynes
  • Gene Rizzi – Flyer
  • Tom Seidel – Aviator
  • Kam Tong – Japanese Doctor
  • Emmett Vogan – 2nd Desk Clerk
  • Beal Wong – Japanese Sergeant, Jailer
  • Bruce Wong – Officer

„China Girl“ ist ein Kriegsdrama aus dem Jahr 1942 von Henry Hathaway. Das Drehbuch von Ben Hecht basiert auf einer Geschichte von Darryl F. Zanuck. Der Film verfolgt die Heldentaten eines amerikanischen Wochenschau-Fotografen in China und Burma vor dem Hintergrund des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

Im November 1941 wird der zynische amerikanische Wochenschau-Kameramann Johnny Williams von japanischen Militärbeamten in Luichow, einem von Japanern besetzten Teil Chinas, festgenommen. Der befragende Offizier teilt Johnny mit, dass die Japaner ihm zwanzigtausend Dollar zahlen werden, wenn er den Bau der Burma Road fotografiert. Johnny lehnt ab und stiehlt die Ausweise, die er für seine Presseausweise hält.

Johnny wird in seine Zelle zurückgebracht, wo ein gefangener Kanadier, der mit den chinesischen Freischärlern gekämpft hat, Major Bull Weed, von seiner Freundin, „Captain“ Fifi, besucht wird, die ihm eine Pistole zusteckt. Johnny verhilft Weed zur Flucht zu einem vereinbarten Treffpunkt, wo Fifi bereits wartet. Sie hat ein verlassenes Flugzeug ausfindig gemacht, und Johnny fliegt sie in Sicherheit nach Mandalay, wo er seinen alten Freund Captain Shorty Maguire trifft. Maguire bittet Johnny, sich seiner amerikanischen Freiwilligengruppe, den „Flying Tigers“, anzuschließen, aber Johnny antwortet kaltschnäuzig, dass er nicht für China sterben werde, sondern nur für sich selbst.