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Cell 2455, Death Row (1955)

„Cell 2455, Death Row“ is a 1955 film-noir crime film directed by Fred F. Sears. The screenplay by Jack DeWitt is based on the 1954 memoir „Cell 2455, Death Row: A Condemned Man’s Own Story“ that is the first of four books written on death row by convicted robber, rapist and kidnapper Caryl Chessman (27 May 1921 – 2 May 1960).

Convicted thief and rapist „Whit“ Whittier waits on death row in San Quentin penitentiary cell 2455. Whit gives the Warden his last will and testament, then reflects on his life: Whit grows up with kind, loving parents, Serl and Hallie, but as he is a sickly child, the family moves from Michigan to Los Angeles, and settle in comfortably until a freak car accident leaves Whit’s mother paralyzed. The Whittiers are overwhelmed by medical bills and slide into poverty, driving Whit’s father to attempt suicide.

As a teenager Whit begins stealing food and lying to his parents about having a part-time job. These petty thefts and Whit’s driving skill eventually lead to his involvement with a gang of hoodlums led by Skipper Adams. After a year of larceny and car thefts, Skip is arrested and informs on the rest of the gang, who are arrested and placed in reform school. Furious at Skip’s betrayal, Whit beats him up and gains a reputation as an incorrigible. During his incarceration, Whit spends several stretches doing hard labor or in solitary.

Upon his parole, Whit starts another gang, and takes up with a young blonde, Doll.

One night Whit and his gang steal a police car and shoot an officer. The gang is arrested and Whit is sentenced to twenty-six years in San Quentin. When a rehabilitation program is started in Chino, Whit signs up and, after a period of calculated good behavior, is moved to the Honor Farm. With the help of free gang members Monk and Al, Whit escapes from the low security prison to be reunited with Doll, but is recaptured quickly and sentenced to four years in the harsh Folsom prison.

Again upon parole, Whit returns to Los Angeles and pulls together the remaining members of his old gang. Whit robs mob boss Johnny Albert, then divides the sizable haul among his gang before they split up for good. Shortly afterward, a series of brutal attacks begin on couples in lovers lane, with the men being pistol-whipped and the women raped by an attacker whom the newspapers nickname the „Red Light Beast.“

One night, another couple is assaulted and their car is stolen by Whit and Monk, who are chased by the police and apprehended after crashing. At police headquarters, Whit insists he is not the rapist, but his arrogance and bravado is abruptly deflated when the captain privately informs him that his mother died the night before. Whit is allowed to go to the funeral parlor, where his father admits he managed to keeping Whit’s criminal activities from his mother. Whit is also taken aback to learn that Doll has fulfilled a promise she made him long ago and given the Whittiers money over the years.

Returning to jail, Whit is charged, but when his lawyer announces his withdrawal from the case, Whit decides to represent himself. Despite his diligent study of law and a court presentation he believes refutes the eyewitness testimony against him, Whit is stunned when he receives no sympathy from the jury or the judge and is found guilty. His request for a mistrial on a technicality is denied, but Whit persists and manages to get his case heard before the Supreme Court, but to no avail.

In the present, as dawn breaks on the day of his execution, Whit accepts complete responsibility for his life of crime, but still wonders what purpose his death will serve. As he despairs, the warden arrives with the news that Whit has been granted a stay of execution and one hundred more days of life.


  • William Campbell – Whit Whittier
  • R. Wright Campbell – Whit as a Boy
  • Bart Braverman – Whit, as a Young Boy
  • Marian Carr – Doll
  • Kathryn Grant – Jo-Anne
  • Harvey Stephens – Prison Warden
  • Vince Edwards – Hamilton
  • Allen Nourse – Serl Whittier
  • Diane DeLaire – Hallie Whittier
  • Paul Dubov – Al
  • Tyler MacDuff – Nugent
  • Buck Kartalian – Monk
  • Eleanor Audley – Blanche
  • Thom Carney – Hatcheck Charlie
  • Joseph Forte – Lawyer
  • Howard Wright – Judge

„Todeszelle 2455“ (Cell 2455, Death Row) ist ein Film-Noir-Kriminalfilm von 1955 unter der Regie von Fred F. Sears. Das Drehbuch von Jack DeWitt basiert auf den 1954 erschienenen Memoiren „Zelle 2455, Todestrakt: A Condemned Man’s Own Story", dem ersten von vier Büchern, die der verurteilte Räuber, Vergewaltiger und Entführer Caryl Chessman (27. Mai 192–2. Mai 1960) im Todestrakt schrieb.

Der verurteilte Dieb und Vergewaltiger „Whit“ Whittier wartet im Todestrakt des San Quentin-Gefängnisses in Zelle 2455. Whit übergibt dem Gefängnisdirektor seinen letzten Willen und sein Testament und lässt dann sein Leben Revue passieren: Whit wächst bei seinen gütigen, liebevollen Eltern Serl und Hallie auf, doch als er ein kränkliches Kind ist, zieht die Familie von Michigan nach Los Angeles und lebt sich dort gut ein, bis ein verrückter Autounfall Whits Mutter lahmlegt. Die Whittiers werden von den Arztrechnungen erdrückt und rutschen in die Armut ab, was Whit’s Vater zu einem Selbstmordversuch treibt.

Als Teenager beginnt Whit, Lebensmittel zu stehlen und seine Eltern zu belügen, indem er angibt, einen Teilzeitjob zu haben. Diese kleinen Diebstähle und Whits Fahrkünste führen schließlich dazu, dass er sich einer Bande von Ganoven anschließt, die von Skipper Adams angeführt wird. Nach einem Jahr voller Diebstähle und Autodiebstähle wird Skip verhaftet und verrät den Rest der Bande, die daraufhin verhaftet und in eine Erziehungsanstalt gesteckt wird. Whit ist wütend über Skips Verrat, verprügelt ihn und erwirbt sich den Ruf eines Unverbesserlichen. Während seiner Inhaftierung verbringt Whit mehrere Abschnitte bei harter Arbeit oder in Einzelhaft.

Nach seiner Entlassung auf Bewährung gründet Whit eine weitere Gang und lässt sich mit der jungen Blondine Doll ein.