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875 Aufrufe 2041 Medien

Altersbeschränkte Medien, die entsprechend dem deutschen Jugendschutz von 23.00 – 6.00 Uhr verfügbar sind. Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren.

477 Aufrufe
Android Action Bar is located at the top of the Activity and displays the title,...
583 Aufrufe
Most Android phones have physical navigation keys, such as Menu, Back and Search...
670 Aufrufe
Android Fragment represents a behavior or a portion of UI in an Activity. It can...
302 Aufrufe
You can jump instantly from one task to another using the Android multitasking U...
312 Aufrufe
input – tag is used for forms, it can be a text field, a checkbox, a password fi...
695 Aufrufe
Haxe is an open source programming language + cross-compiler which can produce n...
630 Aufrufe
Android sliding panel menu used to navigate between major modules of the applica...
interlúdio percussivo #1
42 Aufrufe
This is „interlúdio percussivo #1“ by Victor Galvão …
Madame Emmanuelle
166 Aufrufe
Madame Emmanuelle – a short Film
139 Aufrufe
Nice Bellydance Striptease