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646 Aufrufe 2041 Medien

Altersbeschränkte Medien, die entsprechend dem deutschen Jugendschutz von 23.00 – 6.00 Uhr verfügbar sind. Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren.

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von Oopsy Oops vor 15 Jahren
Normal map – Here is depicted normal map of abdominal muscles. Normal mapping ne...
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von Oopsy Oops vor 15 Jahren
Baked texture map – In CG „Baking“ means to create texture maps based on an obje...
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von Oopsy Oops vor 15 Jahren
Measurement of frame frequency. For example: today games must have at a least 30...
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von Oopsy Oops vor 15 Jahren
L-systems were developed in 1968 by the Hungarian biologist Aristid Lindenmayer....
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von Oopsy Oops vor 15 Jahren
HBox (Horizontal Box) and VBox (Vertical Box) are layout containers in Flex Fram...
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von Oopsy Oops vor 15 Jahren
Emitter is the source of particles in 3D space. Particle system need for modelli...
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von Oopsy Oops vor 16 Jahren
Let’s have a drink
Acrobatic poetry recital
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von Oopsy Oops vor 16 Jahren
Acrobatic poetry recital
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von Oopsy Oops vor 16 Jahren
float – CSS 1 property Specifies if an element should float towards the left or...
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von Oopsy Oops vor 16 Jahren
z-index – CSS 2 Property Specifies the stacking order of the element relative to...