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640 Aufrufe 2041 Medien

Altersbeschränkte Medien, die entsprechend dem deutschen Jugendschutz von 23.00 – 6.00 Uhr verfügbar sind. Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren.

308 Aufrufe
Normal map – Here is depicted normal map of abdominal muscles. Normal mapping ne...
594 Aufrufe
Baked texture map – In CG „Baking“ means to create texture maps based on an obje...
560 Aufrufe
Measurement of frame frequency. For example: today games must have at a least 30...
356 Aufrufe
L-systems were developed in 1968 by the Hungarian biologist Aristid Lindenmayer....
362 Aufrufe
HBox (Horizontal Box) and VBox (Vertical Box) are layout containers in Flex Fram...
557 Aufrufe
Emitter is the source of particles in 3D space. Particle system need for modelli...
74 Aufrufe
Let’s have a drink
Acrobatic poetry recital
399 Aufrufe
Acrobatic poetry recital
692 Aufrufe
float – CSS 1 property Specifies if an element should float towards the left or...
436 Aufrufe
z-index – CSS 2 Property Specifies the stacking order of the element relative to...